Tim Cigelske
2 min readJan 18, 2018


Apps that aren’t Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

Thanks for the great suggestions, Matt. Here are some of my favorites:

I’ve been using the calm.com app for 512 days. The daily calm meditation is my go-to, but there are tons of great programs in the premium subscription. Other meditation apps I dabble with are Headspace, Insight Timer and Kevin Rose’s new Oak app. I’ve been using the Oak app in the evenings with the Tibetan Om background. Very soothing. Shout out to Phil Batzner for the suggestion and Jordan Harbinger’s podcast interview with Rose for getting me into it.

I use both the Streaks and Coach.me apps for daily habit reminders. The Streaks is for the most important daily reminders (work out, walk the dog, read), and Coach.me I add additional habits (Don’t get a parking ticket).

Speaking of streaks. There’s Snapchat, of course. Gotta keep those 🔥’s going, right Cesar Gomez, Art Jones, Angela Masajo, Austin Anderson and Sarah Eslyn?

For social Marquette University social media management, I use Sprout Social and the Facebook pages app.

For media, I use Pocket (someday I’ll dig into all those 5,000 articles saved, right?) and, of course, Medium. I have all Medium on my home screen and all its notifications turned on, so if I’m going to screw around on the Internet at least I’ll do it on Medium over Facebook and Twitter.

FreshBooks and Intuit (Mint, Quickbooks) keeps my freelance writing organized.

For quantifying everything I use the Lifecycle app. (Fun fact: I got +10% more sleep than normal last month with 254 hours. Thanks, Christmas vacation time.)

I have Strava too, but mostly use the Runkeeper app. I started it so long ago I now like to compare older workouts and historical data with my current running.

There’s a million to-do apps and I feel like I’ve tried them all. Right now my favorite is Task in a Box, which syncs with my Macbook and Outlook email.

Speaking of to-dos, I should probably get on those. They’re staring me in the face.

Have a productive day, Matt!

